瑞典另類電子 The Knife 的二分之一,Karin Dreijer 睽違將近 6 年的新作,封面依舊動人,激進的浪漫主義將詭譎、焦慮、脆弱、驚悚與愛捆起來成為一個危險又美麗的流,深陷其中開發強烈的追求慾望。
雖然 The Knife 停止多年,但 Olof 與 Karin 依然在音樂上活躍著,《Radical Romantics》中有不少曲目是由他們兩個共同製作,借刀 __ __;順帶一提,專輯的 vocal 則由瑞典緩飆經典 Cobolt 成員 Johannes Berglund 操刀。
Radical Romantics, the first new album in five-plus years from Fever Ray (aka Karin Dreijer). In the world of Radical Romantics, Fever Ray presents their struggle with love, or to be precise, the myth of love. Following 2017s Plunge, Radical Romantics speaks to both the heart and the head, the dance floor and the bedroom. Dreijer is one of pop s true visionaries, and in their hands, crude and familiar clay is twisted into endlessly beautiful and terrible forms that balance strength with vulnerability, anxiety with safety.