英國老字號前衛音樂雜誌 The Wire 九月封面人物。
現居太平洋西北區的環境音樂藝術家 Grouper (Liz Harris) 第十二張個人作品《Shade》是一張橫跨十五年來的創作集,錄音地點是那些年她部分的落腳處,從塔瑪爾巴斯山 (Mount Tamalpais) 、波特蘭到俄勒岡州最大城市阿斯托里亞;她將《Shade》定義為一張緩解與描述海岸線的作品,回憶與經驗的串起,如何在景緻裡框架與反框架自己。
失落與哀傷幾乎是 Grouper 的標識,她似乎不是個非常喜歡演出的藝術家,作品也都是非常私密的一個人完成,也不是個技術非凡的音樂家,但她總能用樂器、各種器材與歌聲建構出氣質獨特且引人跟隨的孤獨環境,具有隱晦的耀眼光芒;聽 Grouper 的音樂很容易漸漸觸動到自己的內心的某塊情感,在以為那些是親密私語的同時又隱約覺得她似乎不是在與任何人對話,令人患得患失的距離感是多麼美麗。 (William)
The 12th full-length by Pacific Northwest artist Liz Harris aka Grouper is a collection of songs spanning fifteen years. She characterizes Shade as an album about respite, and the coast, poetically and literally. How one frames themselves in a landscape, how in turn it frames themselves; memories and experiences carried forward mapping a connection to place—“an ode to blue / what lives in shade.”
Songs touch on loss, flaws, hiding places, love. Deep connections to the Bay Area, and the North Coast, with its unique moods of solitude, beauty, and isolation—a place described and transformed by the chaos and power of river-mouth, wild maritime storms, columns of mist that rise up unexpectedly on the road at night. Portions were recorded on Mount Tamalpais during a self-made residency years back, other pieces made longer ago in Portland, while the rest were tracked during more recent sessions in Astoria.
Throughout, Harris threads a hidden radiant language of voice, disquiet, and guitar, framed by open space and the sense of being far away—“Echoing a lighthouse, burying the faults of being human / Into things that we project upon the sky at night.”
• New full length by much acclaimed atmospheric singer songwriter
• Song collection spans fifteen years of memories and landscape, with connections to the Bay Area, the North Coast, and Portland