法國實驗音樂家 Laurent Jeanneau 化名的 Kink Gong 自 90 年代開始運作,整體的作品分為兩條主線,一是東南亞少數民族的聲音收集,另一則是以他所搜集的聲音素材去重整、拼貼建購實驗音景。
《Music is Not a Copy》將中國流行音樂重置,類似故障狀態的閃跳,就像是正在有問題的隨身聽裡播放的歌。
On Music is Not a Copy Kink Gong turns crystal pop into syrup musak, a skippy glitch digital re-configuration of Chinese popular music, sounding like a broken unrelenting CD player under Beijing main underpass. We cant think of anyone else making music like this, being it destructive or celebratory, dive in, never come back.