Kowloon K 成立於2019年,本身是一隊無名字的樂隊,但卻因為一次偶然的演出機會需要改名,絞盡腦汁後便決定取廣東話近音「求其」作名,意即隨意、即興。最初鍵琴手 水金, 貝斯手 Ho, 與鼓手 David 彈奏Jazz Standard 為主,2020年加入了唱作歌手 Charlie Chan 為主音。同年隨著結他手 Justin加入 ,開始了創作原創歌曲。喜歡隨意和即興的5位Kowloon K成員都不喜歡被曲風所限制,創作內容主要以歡樂氣氛將現實中 的種種抑鬱分解,如黑色幽默般為悲傷填上彩色。同時,將Jazz,Funk和多樣樂器的即興元素,揉 合於流行曲旋律創作,不斷地實驗廣東歌的新可能性。
Kowloon K 於2020年12月首次推出原創歌曲,並邀請日本朋友 Ruichivichi 繪畫動畫Music Video,現任「鬼滅の刃」動畫公司的其中一位動畫師,藉音樂和動畫的結合呈現日系風格,同系列音樂動畫包括單曲《No Way》和《為何不一了百了》。另外,亦於2021年推出粵語歌曲《返公司》和由搶耳音樂計劃中創作的《明天世界或到末日》。關於在2022年四月所推出的第三部動畫,更是是首次與填詞人合作的粵語歌,亦是首隻有歌曲MV的粵語歌——《換我》。很榮幸邀請到填詞人王樂儀為Kowloon K 執筆。
無論任何語言,Kowloon K 的歌曲也在圍繞活著的意義,與大家共同去尋找著努力著。
Indie band “Kowloon K” is formed in 2019, and was originally a nameless group. But due to a unexpected gig the group needed a name, and they decided to base the name on the cantonese word 「求其」(pronounced “kaau kay”) which stands for “whatever”, or “spontaneously”. Initially, keyboardist Joshua, Bassist Ho, and Drummer David played renditions of jazz standards, in 2020 Singer-songwriter Charlie Chan and guitarist Justin joined as well, where the group started writing and producing original songs. Kowloon K songs often use exuberant ways to express depressive topics, acting synonymous to Black Humour in transforming the abyss with colour, while also incorporating Jazz, Funk, and Improvisational elements into lyrical songwriting. Unhindered by the boundaries of music genres, they constantly explore the new possibilities of Cantopop in a unique and refreshing manner.
In December of 2020, Kowloon K released their debut single “No Way”, and invited Japanese Animator “Ruichivichi” to animate their music video. Fusing Anime storylines with their music compositions includes《No Way》and《為何不一了百了》. In 2021, the first cantonese song 《返公司》released. And also, the second one 《明天世界或到末日》released and supported by EarupMusic, which is arranged with our good friend Freddie (Brass section), produced (including recording, mixing and mastering) by Chapman So.
The last anime will release before coming April. This new song invited Hong Kong lyricist Yvette Lok Yee Wong to collaborate, and its the first cantonese song with anime music video — 《換我》!