羅馬音樂人 Maria Chiara Argiro 在英國爵士、古典、電子音樂的場景穿梭了 11 年,曾經來過台灣的 These New Puritans 以及爵士樂團 Kinkajous 都有她合作的蹤跡;《Forest City》大大不同於她在各場景合作的聲音模樣,是趟迷人的電子旅程,非常適合 #後疫情時代 的回血過程,旅程中有爵士、古典、另類搖滾的景致,然後在路上會碰到 Kelly Lee Owens, Jon Hopkins 以及 Radiohead。
Maria Chiara Argirò (pronounced ma-REE-ah key-AH-rah r-gee-ROW) has been quietly weaving her way around the UK jazz, classical and electronic worlds since she moved to London from Rome 11 years ago.
But with her new album, Forest City, she finds a glistening thread between these movements: it marks her out as an exciting rising electronic artist, where jazz meets Kelly Lee Owens, Jon Hopkins and Radiohead. Its a concept record, about the “duality of nature and city”, and where organic sounds and textures seem to flow above the urban sprawl.