Michael Price曾經參與《新世紀福爾摩斯》、《魔戒三部曲》、《007量子危機》等影集、電影配樂的製作,是個優秀的作曲家、音樂製作人,也因《新世紀福爾摩斯》和David Arnold一起拿過艾美獎。他最剛開始,大約在二十幾年前,是以現代舞蹈編曲起家,是等到1996年被Michael Kamen邀請參與協助製作電影《撕裂地平線》的配樂後,才開啟一連串配樂的人生。
每一首樂曲都是以創作的地點命名,並且大量地引用英國作家William Blake的詩集作品,女高音Grace Davidson在幾首曲目中,包括了最後一首《Shade of Dreams》,唱出了William Blake強烈酸楚的詩詞,內容多關於自然、宗教和工業革命。最後一首《Shade of Dreams》是其中一首Michael為了女兒Emilie的誕生所創作的作品。這首就像專輯所有的作品一樣,來自William Blake《Songs of Innocence and of Experience》的詩詞,而這首歌就是來自William的《A Cradle Song》(搖籃曲)。
《Tender Symmetry》這場音樂、自然跟歷史人文攜手的同行,的確是在講述「過去」,但它仍然代表了堅定以及我們共同擁有的「未來」。(words by Stef)
Emmy award-winning composer Michael Price will release Tender Symmetry, his second album with Erased Tapes, on August 31st 2018.
The ambitious musical project takes in a series of iconic National Trust locations across England as its inspiration, turning them into unlikely recording spaces. Michael and a host of musicians and collaborators — including soprano Grace Davidson (featured on Max Richter s Sleep) and Shards (the choir on Nils Frahm s All Melody) — travelled across the country in pursuit of places far removed from the traditional recording studio to create seven unique and moving pieces, straddling the past and the future.
The diversity of Michael Price s choices ranges from the ruins of Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire to the Fan Bay WWII shelter, cut deep into the chalk cliffs of Dover. All owned by the National Trust save one, each venue became both the inspiration and the recording studio for Michael Price and his accompaniment of renowned musical ensembles, choirs and soloists.