在本次《GOOD LOOKING》全新專輯中,POPO J 描繪了三種 GOOD LOOKING 的類型,由外而內分別是「外貌、才華內涵、內觀與行動」上的 GOOD LOOKING。專輯開端便以專輯同名歌曲〈GOOD LOOKING〉講述自己天生不靠外貌,而是才華內涵類型的帥。編曲找來 2022 年金曲獎最佳專輯製作人-李權哲操刀,輕巧饒舌加上 Indie Rock 的輕快曲風揭示了本張專輯的聽覺色調。在作品〈你考上國考哈雷路亞〉中,POPO J 以輕快、慵懶的風格,語帶嘲諷地描述自己身在要求所有人都如印表機般的公務體系中對環境的觀察,與如何看穿體系的弊病,最後則以勇於做自己想做的事情作為本作結論。
在〈Woah!〉之中則夥同 R&B 新聲 - 王 ADEN,表面上共譜情歌給有好感的異性,實則描述網路世代女生普遍出現的容貌焦慮問題。在本作中 POPO J 與 王 ADEN 一同鼓勵新世代人們停止比較,勇於接納原本的自己,就是一種「GOOD LOOKING」。作品〈Sing For You〉則是與阿法共同撰寫對於歌迷的愛與感謝之情,POPO J 依然保持偶爾致敬蛋堡的習慣,取樣蛋堡「Hit The Rhyme」歌詞,改寫為「押韻打開想像力的窗戶,I can open a door for you if you want to」暗示自己無窮創造力。
POPO J, hailing from Tainan, Taiwan, was born in 1993. He graduated from Central Police University at the age of 22. At 23, he began immersing himself in and started making rap music. By the time he turned 26 in 2020, he independently released his debut album titled
"Poportfolio." In 2021, he gained significant attention after participating in tv program "MTV The Rappers." However, this period marked the beginning of his self-doubt and loss of confidence.
Amidst his fear and confusion, he determined to fully invest himself in making his sophomore album. He reduced his usage of social media, embarking on a journey of self-healing. Over the course of more than a year, POPO J utilized his creative endeavors to delve into his inner
self, authentically express his thoughts, and learn the art of self-affirmation. Finally, in October 2023, he officially released his second personal album titled "GOOD LOOKING."