來自紐西蘭Christchurch的三人團,以蘇聯坦克T54為名,是紐西蘭獨立音樂老廠牌Flying Nun Records,繼the Clean, the Chills後最被期待的年輕樂團!
留著鬍子的Joe Sampson, Matt Scobie和Sam Hood,玩著以噪音吉他為基調的另類搖滾,在每首篇幅短小的歌曲中,以吉他、貝斯與鼓,巧妙地銜接段落與情緒,甜美的吉他與冷調貝斯的雙合,創造出T54獨有的渾厚氣息,在如同揉合了Jesus Mary Chain滂沱的吉他與MBV的糊狀音牆,"Nails Painted"在重複明暗的riff中突然墜入嗡鳴的世界,帶著龐克氣味的人聲才毅然展開,"Life is Swell"帶著瞪鞋的優美開頭,T54依然不改本色,在乾淨明亮與髒污之間變換飛馳,重複不再只是無聊,而是遊戲的一部分,末曲長達七分多鐘、帶著德國泡菜味Krautrock的"Biscuit City Sisters",史詩般大氣開展青年人的遊戲與嚮往。(by Fang)
Sharing a name with a Soviet battle tank, ChristchurchT54 debut album In Brush Park bombards in a haze of guitars, textured vocals and vicious rhythm section.
Following on from their 2010Drone Attacks EP the trio (Joe Sampson, Matt Scobie and Sam Hood) teamed up with Tom Bell (David Kilgour & The Heavy Eights, Ghost Wave), recording the ten songs in the iconic Dunedin venue, Sammys. Mastered by Steven Marr (Doprah, Ipswich), In Brush Park simultaneously scathes, soothes and shatters, and is completed with the other-worldly art of Leo Beckett.