This piece is composed and performed by Zhongqi Xie at Café Oto in May 2016. It consists of four non-interrupted tracks: 2004, 2007, 2013 and 2014. The musician s thoughts about music seem evolve along this time line and transform through these four moments. Contrary to Cyplosion (a split with Changcun Wang in 2015), the turning phases in Cryptosion are more smooth, layers of timbre more various, and the human voice sampling more distorted but could be still found. This is a live recording based on electronic heavy beats and elegant sound wall of Musique concrete.
這張三十分鐘的作品是謝仲其在2016年五月底,於倫敦Café Oto的現場演奏錄音,分為前後不間斷的四首曲子:2004、2007、2013、2014。歷史的前進,似乎暗示著藝術家本人在音樂思維上的演化,以及 其音樂生涯幾個值得寫下的時點。與2015年的作品Cyplosion(與王長存先後同台的另一現場錄音)比起來,Cryptosion的段落承接更加婉 轉,音色的層次有增無減,慣用的人聲採樣雖然依舊清晰,但乍聽下來卻更加扭曲。整張作品在電子節拍的低音基底上,浮現出具象音樂綿延悠揚的姿態;要聆聽這 份作品,既需要一份專注的精神,也需要一顆狂暴的心。